Thursday, 23 August 2018
Helical Strake Thermowell is specially constructed Thermowell which has special design features that allow the thermowell to be sustained well inside a fluid flow.
The special feature of this thermowell is the helical ridges which are constructed using standard calculations, these helical ridges reduce the vortex formation inside the fluid flow due to the thermowell which reduces the vibrations up to 90% compared to a normal thermowell. The construction of this thermowell is based on the parameters provided in the standard ASME STS- 1
• Reduces effects caused due to vortex shedding.
• Longer life compared to normal construction
• Longer Insertion lengths possible with the same Diameter
• Reduces 90% amplitude of the oscillations
• Easy and Fast installation
• Suitable for high flow rates and small nozzle sizes
• Better Response Time and conventional methods
• Eliminates use of Collar support.